Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fwd: Merry Christmas from your Google team!

I thought it was a great, amazing, perfect idea!!!

Go, Google go!!

-- Pablo

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach  - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Your Google Team <>
Date: 2009/12/24
Subject: Merry Christmas from your Google team!

  Merry Christmas from Google  

As we near the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for the time, energy, commitment, and trust you've shared with us in 2009.

With sharing in mind, this year we've decided to do something a little different. We hope you'll find it fits the spirit of the Christmas season.

We're looking forward to working with you to build lasting success in 2010.

With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year,
Your Google Team






Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Xmas, and Be safe... IT wise...

Hi guys,
Long time, busy bee... what can I say, not much really, loads of shopping experiences... you now that a normal female shopper can stay in malls, 3 times the time than a male shopper ;)

Anyhow, I tghought about sharing  great article on IT Security, and breaches for 2009.... should help on strategies and ideas for 2010... which for sure will have more of these ones, and more controls to put in place...

So here it goes, very nice Article

Have a safe, fun nice, warm (on the snow) great Xmas... and an even better start for 2010!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

SAD - Drugs can be collaborative?

I red this article today from the NYT, and I was thinking... how sad... a drug company is not usually one that is lacking in funds, they get money from charities, from other drug companies, they get research funds (yeah, I know, the fund research temselves as well); and the more we become a panic based society, the more money we give them...
Now, based on a change in law (that might cut theiir profits), they go into a rampage raise in prices...

Once I finished reading it, I thought, what if we the public start pushing for a cooperative approach to drug usage? A group in Scotland (in Findhorn), created a self sustainable community which brought up together a lot of very good concepts... and Jeff Jarvis (I know, I am kinda stuck into WWGD) mentioned it already... let's try to get a self managed, public demand based drug company. As we will know what the researchers are going for, and will be a lot more transparency, we will be able to chose better which drugs to take, and channel research better as well... and at the end we should be able to see better pricing (or at least more sensible one) based on what the community needs.

Maybe I'm getting too far, but I really think that this drug companies are taking the p... anyhow, just my first brain dump for the day...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

LoveArgentina Party - Sat' 14 Nov'

Association of Argentine Professionals in the United Kingdom


Dear Members,


If you haven't yet, you may still book tickets for:

LoveArgentina II' Charitable Party, Saturday 14 November - 5 pm


For booking information, please see below or attached file.


As to the our two other recently publicised events, let me share with you that the UK Premiere of Argentine Rock Legend - Litto Nebbia in Concert, Sat' 7 Nov' was a total SUCCESS while the Argentine Wine Tasting, Thurs' 12 Nov' is now SOLD OUT. 


 We look forward to seeing you at the LoveArgentina party and please accept my appreciation for your continued support.   


Judith A. Cherni



LoveArgentina II' Charitable Party

Saturday  14  November -   5pm till 11pm

This event is organized by Loveargentina in conjunction with APARU to raise funds for the "Fundacion Sicilia" a scholarship program for children in Salta, Argentina.


You will have an opportunity to enjoy live music, learn tango and have a taste or typical argentine food products, and fall in love with Argentina!. Tickets: £10 when purchased in advanced


Venue: 1 Ropermaker Street (Digress), London EC2Y 9UE


Get your tickets online at:


Monday, November 09, 2009

ITIL - 100 questions you always wanted to ask...

I couldn’t help myself…really cool book:
“The Process of Six Sigma’s make-it-right-the-first-time, combined with CMM’s what-to-do, and ITIL’s how-to-do-it makes ITIL, CMM and SiX Sigma a powerful combination training tool for any organization. After all, quality products and services are still virtues any organization should have”

Control? was that says SI?

This is quite cool, and a very good indicative on how Control in the google era is not that easy anymore, anyone can publish a twitter, or even just say somethign to a friend that will blog it, etc... and the whole wide world know about it!!

Read on, very interesting (even though I don't particulary care if Agassi used drugs or not, as long it wasn't during the games) ...

cuac!!! When I  already finished this, I read a twitter from Jeff Jarvis on control again... really funny, I still get amazed how people cannot get it sometime.. really stupid!! read on:

Friday, November 06, 2009


Yes I know, I'm an old geek, and can't help it... well no. i got into twitter now, I haven't been before because I've been very busy for the last ten years (polite way of saying that I was lazy)..

Anyhow, will drop small bursts of greatness, or at least a bit of pain that we all suffer every day... (or fun, smiles, etc etc).

Pretty cool toys to access it on several platforms, really good. so, how's your day today? follow me... ;)

Monday, November 02, 2009

WWGD When “the hood” comes to the internet?

OK, I finished... I read WWGD, from Jeff Jarvis and I got into a lot of information... really interesting, estates loads of information (not only data, carefeul choice of words here). But I did something odd, I started in less than 5 minutes to read another book... ( I know... I do categorise myself as an information addict, and that includes books... and to make it even worse, I was on a plane.. so not much more to do), I started with "Barrio de Belgrano, Porque te quiero tanto?" (Belgrano Neighbourghood, why do I love you so much?, a book that my mum wrote and it is really cool... hehehe). the book goes into trying to describe the feelings and sense of pertinence of a neighbourhood, from definitions to songs, to places, and pictures in our minds... not only from enjoying the place, but from sharing those with friends, and not so much friends around the house where you grew, lived, etc.... Now I got into some themes:

- "the hood" gives a physical pertinence to a feeling of pertinence... (I hope it makes sense), basically, it keeps your mind in a particular set, and help you to share with a group of determined people that you already know they share your own “hood”…. So now that we get into a global hood, with people from different cultures, how are we going to relate with people (before we talk to them, you know those hints that they are from you side of the town…)

+ Physical pertinence is easy, you see people all the time, want it or not, you will have a relationship with this human beings around you, but hey! Let’s think a bit more… in a virtual environment, in a G era, in the internet, we don’t need to relate to everyone (thanks the lord, there are too many), but we choose who we relate to… so in the future (or now?) our hood, is made up of people that gets with us, because they have similar needs, wants, questions, or maybe is the people that gives us guidance and tells us what to do in life… So, to be decided, is our all concept of the hood, is that any better, because we learn from everyone (in the area) not only the people with similar mindsets, or the virtual hood is better because we get to know who we want to create our hood?

I think as we will see below, the virtual hood can only work based on openness, and great transparency….

- the second thought I got was linked but not directly to the first one, so we linked to people, and work with people, and share life with each others, and even have virtual relationships… but do we generate the group of friends from the neighbourhood? Can we really reate that group of friends that no matter how many years pass on, we are still going to be related to?

+ I think we can create our own virtual hood on the web, and live connected to people all the time, feeling connected at least, and at the same time, create that “cheekiness” when we relate to them, but as Jarvis says we need to based it all in openness if we don’t share everything, we miss everything…

Now what is better, I think it will depend on personality and mindset… for example, a shy guy that doesn’t believe on creating connections, etc….. Well, he might need to feel protected to start his own hood….And, yes, as you might guess by now, I don’t think it will be the same concept, we will share pictures, experiences, conversations, but the feeling of neighbourhood will only come from the collective feeling of share experiences, not from a location like it used to be…

Will this be a great virtual place? I don’t know, it will be a collection of the views of each others hoods, into a share view of the global hood… I have friends from places that are (literally) on the other side of the world, but I do still related to them, feel them close, and even oddest I still they are part of my hood…

Anyhow, my brain dump for today, and creating my virtual hood, with my friends, my store, my advisers, and the gossipers around ;)
PS: Errors and mistakes have been deliverately dispersed on the test for enjoyment of the critics...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

WWGD - again, another cool idea...

OK, I know I might be becoming a bit nnoying now... but hey! the book is pretty cool! so, I'm still reading WWGD from Jeff Jarvis (the guys at buzzmachine) - so, I got into the chapter about google money and investing... And I was trying to move it a bit further in my mind...

OK, so think about a group of people with same interests, so for example, the people at GoodPeople they have a great community of people with cool hobbies... so why not getting them into voting for new entreprenuerials ideas, like a great cafe, or some new t-shirt... and then a step more, why they don't "donate" a few $$ (not much, what about 10 U$D?) and the pot will go to the most voted idea... internal or external to the company?

So what do you think?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Russia, Cuba... they love the same than Norway?

I was looking into my reader today, and amazing how interest for a new product can behave... so look into M$ Windows 7... (who just came out today out of the darkness), a guy blog (let's be polite Philip Elmer-DeWitt) about it as well, and found that Norway, Russia, Cuba, and several other countries outside Europe and the Us have bigger interest on Windows 7 than the traditional IT countries.

Now, do you think this is due to the more IT traditional countries are moving into alternative OSes (like in LatinAmerica)? (Please God let it be true!!) or is it just that the US and Europe are being conquered by Apple ;) ?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Basic rule: Always, Always do a backup

Sad day for the IT industry... or at least for one of the new comers... hey! wait a second, that's not right... MS has being with us for a long time (for our sins, or glory). But, this huge mega company, make mistakes (loads of thems...).
Now they broke one of the basic rules of IT support, "whatever you do, do a backup first!!", or the classic, "you only have what you back up!"... and MS has nothing of their sidekick DB nowadays... or for what it is worth, probably no procedure to do the backup neither

so read, and cry.... Sidekick used to be quite a popular system, I wonder if they will still be alive after this...

Perhaps get a BB or an IPhone (and remember to do your own backups...)

Friday, October 09, 2009

Business as usual for Moody's and S&P - Oct. 9, 2009

Hi, just after my post, I read this article... and I was wondering...
Basics like if it giving you too much money is risky, and don't spend more than what you earn come to mine a lot faster than S&P ratings, adn trying to blame someone else...

Anyhow, good reading...

Click the following to access the sent link:

Business as usual for Moody's and S&P - Oct. 9, 2009*

*This article can also be accessed if you copy and paste the entire address below into your web browser.

What about a great job in NSA?

Remember when you used to think that becoming a hacker was the coolest idea ever? You have loads of fun, play with technology, play a bit more, become a super spy for the biggest country in the world (tsk tsk... not the US of A), and then if somethign goes bad... well, obviusly you get a great paid job in the NSA finding all your other hacker friends...

Well, the fun is all gone, now they look after hackers the same way they do with any other criminal...but, are they really criminals? Well, they are many types of hackers (yeah, I know, there are several types of criminals as well, but stay with me...). You have the good guys and the bad guys...

so why not still keep the good guys around, and use then to hunt the bad guys? It doesn't seem like a bad idea, you give someone a great job, and their dream job, they can work for you 20 hours a day (because they were doing it already anyway)... and they know what the bad guys are doing...

But well, probably Gary is not the best example, and he will most probably try to catch UFOs instead of the bad guys...

So, now instead of the great paid job, now you can get your name in wikipedia - And you should be happy about that!!!

Anyhow, keep looking at the sky... you migth see a rock or two...