Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Summer Ball "Edinburgh Tango Society"

It sounds pretty well... let see if we can go...

The ETS Summer Ball - "Just Dance" Weekend
Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th May 2005

Dancing from 8:30pm - 2:30am
South Hall, Pollock Halls, Dalkeith Road


This year the Summer Ball is at the end of May, and takes place in the new hall at Pollock Halls, where the last winter ball/Bailongo show happened. Music for the evening will be provided by guest DJ Garrit Fleischmann from Frankfurt.
"Just Dance" Weekend

As well as the ball there will be dancing on Saturday and Sunday from 12-5pm, and the Sunday milonga from 7-11pm. That makes nearly 24 hours of dancing over the weekend. Why "Just Dance"? Because that is all there is this weekend - no shows, no classes to attend - Just come and dance all weekend at one of the UK's largest and longest tango dance events this year.

£10 for the Ball alone. £16 for all the events -Saturday Ball, Saturday and Sunday afternoon salons, and Sunday evening milonga (brunch food £3 extra each day).

Reserve tickets from here or buy them at the milongas and classes (see Siobhan, Toby, Jessie or Brian).

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