Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More... yes, I'm busy in here!!

Hey another thought.. Have you ever been trying to open the car and someone just passed by? I always think they must be thinking I'm stealing the car... so I wave or say hi, so they look some other way...

Browsing on the web, I found a few other good resources, so I added them to the link section opn the left >>>>

Besides, I found some other stuff which is interesting:

www.arenin.com.ar Very smart site, they make money and provide a service to argentines in UK (bit short minded to name it Argentines in England... I'm in Scotland and use them anyway)
http://www.sapodeotropozo.com.ar/ Same idea a bit older, and a bit crazier... I like it!
www.mercado-argentina.com Great products, a bit expensive, but good products.. food, wines (great ones to impress), etc etc...
http://www.buenayre.co.uk/ Great place, and great food...

One more, for spanish speakers only, have you ever try www.periodismo.com a great resource full of TV, Newspapers, radios, etc...

Last one, check on www.la2x4.gov.ar ... great Tango !!!

cheers! I'll keep getting more info...

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